Saturday, January 23, 2010

celebrity Video

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" quarterback -- on the docket today brand Jelena the bodyguard and a bombshell book about the couple's dirty details this is Mickey Brett onscreen screen right the Babe Ruth of Hollywood hired muscle. Reportedly shopping a tell all page turner on Tinseltown's hottest part drops his juiciest cut airing all of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's dirty laundry. Set to say the super couple reportedly became an item. Long before Brad ever thought about divorcing Jennifer Aniston something he has denied but the bodyguard of different story. And now mr. and mrs. Smith. Hiring legal assassins to block is behind the scenes blow -- claiming Brett is a career criminal and a pathological liar and now about to be a defendant in court. But can they stop him. But that the panel Fox's legal analysts -- and Mercedes Colin good morning ladies and ruining our right so they are tipped off and he is shopping this thing around not just this. But a movie deal that he wants to get because he's going to tell other dirty laundry. Claiming he never sign a confidentiality agreement that's what he claims at least if that is true. How can they stop him."

Well first of all if it's true I mean if if you believe that I've got the waterfront property in Arizona for -- I mean these people have a -- of round of all of the time the you know they have nannies and maids and housekeepers all of it that of course -- signed confidentiality agreement it would be crazy for him not to. But even if he didn't Megan. This book is never going to hit the bookstores because they will sue him for invasion of privacy in intensely emotional distress I mean. At even lot bullet if he claims anything that is not true they'll soon for libel and slander me."

" he claims anything that is not true Mercedes if he did not sign a confidentiality agreement and it is possible. I suppose because reportedly he and Angelina Jolie were friends he's there with her for years who knows that the relationship started -- a more friendly way where she didn't make camp might I really don't know but if he did not is -- could they come after him still for invasion of privacy or defamation et cetera."

" I mean certainly if look at song gonna be about opinions presumably because his -- between the two of them and they seem very very friendly as long I think stayed that course and it's all of that opinion. Based on his own personal experiences and observations he is absolutely in the clear and he's going -- coordinate it's going to stuff thank -- that's a clear cut. Defense to any -- libel slander."

" We jumped out of new lease if if they haven't dead to rights of the confidentiality agreement -- that should be ballgame they should've gone into court. Filed an emergency motion saying judge take a look at this this agreement you know let's put a stop to this -- it would have been over it's been dragging on now for quite some time again. Their lawyer came out with both guns blazing over this guy the other day. Throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him to impugn his character. There including ripping on him. 44. -- an incident in in that India -- where he was accused of choking a photographer we've got video of that incident with protecting them now another lawyers complaining about it. Does that not raise any alarm bells for you --"

" Not really doesn't make -- because look at me even if there -- confidentiality agreement even if you sign that they went to court you don't have these books leaked out you don't have. No rumors are out there that he he definitely could have gone forward anyway I think with there. Trying to do through the lawyer here look at this that is a -- kind of the lawyers look. To the body -- you even try to do this you even try to break that confidentiality agreement and attend this book. This is what's going to happen to you and that's how for me -- is that he the bodyguard now let's have backed up and he said. All well with really the ghost writer who was coming up with this goes right I was working with according to close by the morning brand Julian is lawyer -- medina's lawyer he's backed up according to his lawyer. And that's not true Mercedes."

" Exactly -- into your point exactly right because they see if there was -- confidentiality agreement you know that red Angelina would running to the court get an injunction did not even the discussion of the and that absolutely true because that's the first thing is that if the judge looks at that confidentiality agreement. He certainly can say they're barred from even having these -- of discussions because if you don't. You're going to be --"

" Right you can't even shop around your little memoir or your little movie pitch. Body guard yeah you've signed listening and the more you -- the more -- going to have to pay and potentially -- days in jail for you so but yeah suspicious -- hasn't been shut down already -- but you all know that it's not that easy and even if they trotted in with the confidentiality agreement. That that the bodyguard -- bodyguards lawyer could be right there behind and say look -- he cited hundreds arrested at gun pointed to the."

" London and even now doesn't it make sense that if there was this confidentiality agreement that -- not gonna go forward with that because he knows -- such danger in doing so let's look at them might -- provision in their returns fees to pay Angelina impractical."

" Let me break this losing repent and let me get you respond honestly because you were talking about possible defamation claim that right -- agreement and they want to -- for defamation saying. Forget the agreement you just can't see these things about as a reported to -- the most explosive thing he's going to say about. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is that that they began an affair before he had. When he was cheating on -- grants and that's what he's going to say which which Brad Pitt has denied. -- in general pop public I think believes this but Brad Pitt has denied that he was cheating on his wife with Angelina."

" Well is that defamation so they get because that's not opinion that's fact that's not a my opinion that they were cheating that is the fact that he's putting out there in the thing if the fact is wrong and it's really going to be he said. You know they said and -- he has no other -- He's a good bet on defamation may have -- overvalued dollar suit."

" It all depends on how he writes -- fifty -- that they definitely had an affair. That is liable for Saba learning that the show damages that have devastating that allegation would be -- left but -- he sticks to what he says -- in my opinion I saw the two of them together very friendly -- all that. Short of saying man affair he's okay he -- them."

" Mercedes you know that's not an explosive book then and he's got to come out to make India Loews Cineplex -- face of the -- here. And yeah. I haven't played I love about. Yeah money's connection he says is going to be true by the that you have gotten -- and he --"

" It Sandra -- Tom Cruise Nicole Kidman how interesting would that be here about -- we'll see what happens we we'll Mercedes -- you've got an -- thank you want power premiers if this guy signed a confidentiality agreement. He is bound by it period. If he didn't. He can say what he wants either way he should not be celebrated for this proposed book or movie deal. Sadly this couple does need a bodyguard probably several everywhere they go. And that should not mean that every detail of their lives is fair game for the public if that guard leader decides to. Go rove didn't --"

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